Strengthening Constitutional Self-Government

No Left Turns

Political neuroscience

This WJ article catches us up with what those who would reduce political animals to mere animals are doing. I’ve touched upon this subject before here and here. That the Romney campaign is dabbling in this isn’t a mark in their favor, as far as I’m concerned.

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Joe, thanks for posting this. It reminds me that another thing that bothered me about the debate this week was presence of the squirrelly lines on the right of the screen (on Fox) quantifying reactions of wired animal subjects real time. In one sense this is just a logical extension of quantitative political science's attempt to achieve ever more precise political manipulation. I thought the article sort of made a case, at least in my mind, for severe campaign finance restrictions. Neuroscience, it seems, costs money. The ultimate in inauthenticity costs money. Not surprising that Romney is playing this game.

How much more evidence do we need before we all conclude that Romney will say anything to win, and that his campaign will do anything to win.

When is enough decadence finally ENOUGH?

If Romney thought that abandoning Mormonism would win him the nomination, he'd have been out that door months ago. But rest assured his pollsters have sadly informed him that such a gambit would only confirm opinion that he's a shameless flipster and flopster.

It's as I said, the guy is decadence incarnate.

Isn't politics just a business exercise?? No Mitt it's not.

Did you all miss Rollins joining Huck, or are you just to biased to advertise it?

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