Strengthening Constitutional Self-Government

No Left Turns

Lincoln’s birthday

Today is Lincoln’s birthday. It seems odd that it is not a national holiday, and also odd that we don’t have a toast, as we do on Churchill’s birthday. We read and listen. You might like Allan C. Guelzo’s lecture on the Emancipation Proclamation that he gave just as his book on the same was being published (2004). Good talk. I listened to it yesterday on my two walks. Here is my review of the book. And here are a couple of fragments from Lincoln; and another. For dessert, you might taste (but aloud) the Second Inaugural.

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Interestingly, I noticed today on our Sunday drive that the schools in LaVerne, California do not have school tomorrow in honor of Lincoln’s Birthday. There was no mention on their signs about another day off for the more paltry "President’s Day" but I assume Washington will get equal treament later in the month. It would be better, to my way of thinking, if they didn’t cancel school but dedicated the day to just learning about Lincoln (and Washington on his day). Still, I like the trend to honor them separately and apart from other Presidents who do not deserve as much honor or, in some cases, much honor at all.

In any event, my first-grader thought it was a fine idea and insisted that her school was probably off tomorrow as well. I guess there’s a little Tom Sawyer in her after all.

Say Julie, I don’t think they "cancel school" when it’s a scheduled day off! Just thought I’d let you know! (Don’t worry, after I finish this comment, I’ll get back to studying Abe Lincoln!)

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